
Posts by: sameguygolf

Kevin Kisner on how he properly plays with his irons


Getting a very good grip to your irons is easy for some, and for Kevin Kisner, it's easier. It's just that simple for Kevin, since he has a good control over his irons which gives him better shots. His precision is currently being witnessed at the 2017 PGA Championship at...

How to properly do the hinge stroke in golf


Have you ever (or always) experienced coming short on your putts? Then it's time to cure that problem with something we call the ‘hinge' stroke. This kind of stroke is now mostly used by some tour pros and it's time that you do the same. Click here to read more of the...

Going straight into the game; without practice


We can agree that to some golfers, there's a way to get better in golf without practicing, and it's very possible. According to Will Robins, it's just how you approach your game, and just for that you can lower your scores easily. At first you'll find it hard to believe, but...

Putting for more? Yes it can be done!


A very great golf tip, of course with the help of scientific methods, on how to add more putts in your golf game. Let's learn some secrets of this putt-making golf video. Click here to watch the video. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Executing a chip shot from divots


This week's highlight will be chipping from divots. This has been a perennial problem with golfers and Scott Munroe, a top-100 golf teacher, will share to us ways on how to do it. For the video tip, just click here. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

The proper wedge will lead you to a better game


A lot of golfers, specially the beginners, just like to record scores. Of course, they do that because they would like to monitor their progress. One way to improve scores is learn how to pitch from rough tricks. Practicing it the right way will produce better results, better scores. Click here to...

Avoid shanking in golf with these easy steps


Shanks are shots that usually go in directions unintended, and can happen anytime. This week we discuss pointers on what to do to eliminate these shanks that can be very frustrating. For more of these shank fixes, just click here. (Video included) Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Creating your game’s own identity


This one is something that you say ‘You've got to have originality'. Yes you definitely should have because it's your game. Owning your golf game requires not only the physical attributes and the pure talent/skill that you possess but also some mental and emotional toughness when it comes to the...