
Posts by: sameguygolf

Want a slice-free game? Use your left wrist!


Do you want to eliminate those nasty slices but you've done everything and about to give up? Think again, because there is a secret (some may already know) in avoiding these slices by utilizing your left wrist. This kind of technique is often used by straight hitters and you could...

A common fix in golf; maintaining a proper stance


The importance of having a proper body stance in golf is always emphasized, as it dictates the flow of your golf game. Body stance shouldn't be too wide since body weight will greatly affect your swing, and shouldn't be too narrow as it degenerates the power you'll have to use...

A worn-out wedge means a bad game ahead


It may or it may not affect your game, but the real reason to this dilemma is the grooves of your wedge. It's the one who's battered and it can really alter ball spin, control and accuracy. This may also cost you and your game and there's only one possible...

More distance means better results


For sure, you'd want your game to improve in all the areas and one important part of it is by adding more distance. Being a heavy hitter isn't just required to achieve this, but by having a correct grip and body stance is also considered. Footwork also plays an important...

Hitting longer drives should be your priority now


If you wanted to add distance and precision to your drives, then you should take a look at this golf tip. Although there might be some errors you may encounter while doing this instruction, but practicing it frequently can lead to much improved results, which is being able to hit...

Alignment sticks and how it can help you in golf


Using alignment rods in golf can improve (obviously) your swing alignment. The use of this training aid is for every golfer out there, may it be a high-schooler all the way to a golf pro, specially if you find your alignment a little bit off. It is also one of...

A particular problem in putting and how to fix it


This is one problem in golf that everyone avoids but some really cannot; the 3-putt. Improving your lag and short putts are clearly 2 of a few ways in avoiding 3-putts and some even do short games. But today, there's 3 easy ways on how to erase this bad putting...