
Posts by: sameguygolf

Having a good and solid game on the greens


Rolling around the greens seem to be difficult for some golfers but you can ease it up with a few drills. One secret is to do it the old-fashioned way; using 2 coins and taping it into the center of the putterface both separated by an inch. By this way,...

It’s clearly some putting woes you’re encountering


Not everything is perfect and everyone knows that. In golf, the most common area that golfers tend to commit mistakes is in putting. One of them is routine, and basically having no putting routine will definitely ruin your game. Another is having trembles or being too tense before making putts....

Using your shafts can make your chips look easy


By properly utilizing and practicing some drills that involves your shaft, you will be rewarded with better contact and chip shots. Let's admit that a lot of golfers are having struggles on their contact chipping, and just a simple drill will allow you to trap the golf ball against the...

The trick to a perfect setup; the grips


The first thing every golfer do before shaping and making their shots is by setup. And if you feel that you're setup is not that good enough for your shots, then you should start changing your grips. A change in your grip also includes changes in alignment, curve and body...

A slow routine makes an excellent golf swing


Not all things can be done in a fast manner and in golf, most aspects of the game needs to be done in a slow but effective manner. Enter your golf swing; you can't just hit the ball the way you want if you rush your shot. Taking your time...

Extending your arms properly means a better golf game


Hitting fairways is easy as pie and hitting more fairways is as simple as A-B-C. Extending your arms in the proper way while swinging provides greater accuracy. Practicing this simple drill before going out on the course will definitely hone your swing skills and can give you better results. Click here to...

Learning the easy tricks when it comes to pitching


The secret to a perfect pitching game: establishing the distance of your chin together with your grip. Hand grip is given as it's always important in any aspect of golf, and yes your chin plays also a major part in this one. With the wrong placement of your chin, you...

Giving your golf game the best all-around package


Having a perfect golf game requires ultimate practice and discipline. Just like any other sport, golf isn't too far as you should always be prepared, physically and mentally fit, and most of all constant and consistent golf game; which is caused by practice. It doesn't have to be that perfect,...