
Posts by: sameguygolf

Backswing tweaks that’ll improve your shots


If you're having problems with your tee shots, then a simple fix is for you. Taking a wider backswing leads to straight tee shots and doing them is very easy. The separation of both your arms should be maintained while swinging from the top in order to hit the ball...

The 3-ball trick that’ll make your shots so accurate


Hitting a straight shot might look easy for some, but in reality it is harder that you think. One different way of hitting it straight is by using the three-ball technique. Practicing this kind of technique will definitely make you hit those shots in a straight manner, just like laser....

Shots missed by intention? Yes you can!


Believe it or not, intentionally missing some shots is better and it's for your own advantage. Some pros do this technique and provided them good results. But of course, they do this with proper timing and in the right spot and you could do it too, but do it properly....

Having problems with your short game? You have to see this!


These are very clear, obvious, and very suggestive golf tips for those who want to improve their short game on the course. Quick fixes with regards to hand grips, to hip adjustments, to proper body posture, down to correct body language will definitely upgrade your short game. Click here to...

Gloves and grips; what the experts have to say


Is it really convenient or that comfortable for a golfer to wear gloves for both hands when playing golf? Some may say no as even golf professionals don't even wear both. And the rising fame of the fat grip putters and why the users of this are increasing in numbers....

How to make the signature flop shot of Phil Mickelson


The flop shot: one particular skill that Phil Mickelson is known for is today's great tip. Hitting it from the toughest lies could really be the pain in the butt for many but for Phil, it's one of his signature moves. Dave Pelz demonstrates how Phil executes this so called...

Believe it or not, all it takes is just half a minute


For some, 30 seconds it's quick time. In golf, you can really do a couple of things during a 30-second span. In this case, fixing your slice setup. This quick fix also requires proper body posture in order to perfect your slice setup and proceed with better results. To know...