
Posts by: sameguygolf

Want more distance to your shots? Then fix it!


Every now and then, pros are already switching to their right hand for more distance. Weak grips aren't considered by pros these days so the more distance to their shots, the better their shot's output is. For more of the article, please click here. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Lie chipping game; a common emphasis in golf


Chipping on a sidehill lie is a very difficult situation for any golfer out there. This happens when a green is missed and it sometimes puts the ball above the feet. Click here to see how to chip in a sidehill lie. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Tough times ahead on a pine straw


Usually when in you're playing in the softest of lies, a hard swing is always needed, and this poses as a perennial problem for most golfers. When the ball is stuck on pine straws, an escape strategy should be executed and we can achieve that in 3 easy steps. To...

Utilizing your pivot swing the proper way


Changing your stance on the practice range will help improve your pivot swing. A lot of golfers have experienced that same problem and cannot seem to get their pivots going. This one is an easy instruction and simple as it only requires you three steps. Find out more about this...

Time to add more putts to your game


A very great golf tip, of course with the help of scientific methods, on how to add more putts in your golf game. Let's learn some secrets of this putt-making golf video. Click here to watch the video. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Your driver should be where it’s supposed to be


There are available drivers today that are not really that good (no disrespect…) and can make your game a lot worse than you could imagine. So spending too much money on a really good driver is very rewarding specially if you're really into golf. For more information on experts' advice,...

The serious spin that you can achieve


A serious spin is considered to be one of the best achievements in golf, and of course you can improve it (or maybe perfect it) through practicing. Some of the top teachers and instructors in golf are here to help us learn the process and teach us how to have...

How to putt during clutch times


Putting is one aspect in golf that further needs emphasizing, as well as golfers should turn their focus on. It is important to improve your putting specially if you're not good at it, in times that it's needed the most during a match. Just like any other sport, golf has...