
Posts by: sameguygolf

Swing analysis: Kyle Stanley tells it all


Kyle Stanley recently won the Quicken Loans National and he did it in simple fashion. Kyle's style is so simple yet effective: gaining precision while going for a short game. His style of play benefits some players that are also playing a small game, and body posture plays an important...

Your spot should be your comfort zone


Some golfers, specially the beginners, usually doesn't hit the sweet spot. So (if you might want to ask) if you have problems doing this simple technique, it's up to Jon Tattersall to demonstrate to you how to hit the sweet spot using your irons. Click here to watch the video...

What’s on Phil’s strategy when playing golf?


Golf is a sport that's all about practice. The better you practice, the better you play. But for Phil Mickelson, there's no practicing for him, but of course only in the 2017 Players Championships. It's an odd strategy for Phil, but for him it can be very useful. For the...

How to avoid jitters when playing golf


The term ‘choke' is a word anyone in the sports industry would really have disdain for. Performing below your (or anyone's) expectations can definitely label you as a ‘choker'. So what are you gonna do if you don't want to be called as such? Click here if you want to...

A simple fix with regards to your shots


This time we fix something in your game that has been often seen with other players as well. When you hit your shot and you know it doesn't end well, what do you do afterwards? Here's where the quick fix goes in. Click here to see the video on fixing...

Switching your hands for better distance


Every now and then, pros are already switching to their right hand for more distance. Weak grips aren't considered by pros these days so the more distance to their shots, the better their shot's output is. For more of the article, please click here. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Improving your golf game by utilizing your wegdes


A lot of golfers, specially the beginners, just like to record scores. Of course, they do that because they would like to monitor their progress. One way to improve scores is learn how to pitch from rough tricks. Practicing it the right way will produce better results, better scores. Click...

The emphatic golf style of Dustin Johnson


Fatal, for some, wouldn't be an appropriate term but for Dustin Johnson, it's more of a convincing term as he shares his moves on how to attack the flagstick. This particular move comes in four ways and it's very easy to follow if you want to be just like DJ....