
Posts by: sameguygolf

Want better drives? Begin with these fitness drills


Your legs is one part of the body that generates some amount of power when playing golf. So it's highly suggestive that you should have strong and well-conditioned legs in order to hit your drives in a powerful manner. Fitness in golf is also an important factor every time before...

How to perform shots off those nasty bunkers


A simple golf tip when you want to escape the bunker in a more creative way; by using your knees. And there will be times that using your knees to hit escape shots is necessary, of course it depends on the ball's position. The simple trick will be dropping to...

A few courses that you can visit whenever you’re in Atlanta


Popularly known for their ‘Southern Hospitality' culture, Atlanta is one of America's finest cities. Should you ever travel or spend a vacation in Atlanta, there are golf courses that perhaps cater to the needs of a golfer/tourist-type of person. Of course, this year's hot event in Atlanta would be the...

Possibly the worst swing that you’ll ever see


It's so difficult to say this but there's really a worst golfer or worst golf swing that's living among us. Personally, it might not be the worst but let's just say it's not good enough. No disrespect to the subject on the video, but you could here the words ‘worst...

From a good to a better golfer, sure you can do it!


This phrase is always on loop: ‘Practice makes perfect', and it's applicable in all walks of life. In golf, you can become a better (possibly the best) golfer when you practices consistently. Not just because you hit hard or swing perfectly doesn't mean that you're already at your best. There...

You need to do these if you want to be a better putter


Putting, putting and putting; it's like being in a loop. It's always emphasized that one of the game's important aspect is putting. And at times, your putter is involved in this one. There are different types/shapes of putter that cater to a player's putting style. Mike Shannon, a top golf...