
Posts by: sameguygolf

Your fantasy picks for the 2020 Travelers Championship


Time to set your sights on the upcoming Travelers Championship and its going to be hosted by the TPC River Highlands. Webb Simpson, who won recently at the RBC Heritage, will be one of the participants in the 3rd PGA Tour event since the COVID19 outbreak that canceled some of...

The biggest step in achieving a good game; Practice!


Playing golf isn't all about talent or skills. Of course you still need this but golf thrives on practicing hard, and practicing the right way. This area in golf is where a golfer sometimes forget, and practice does a lot in terms of improving your game. Here are some points...

Using your right hand for longer shots


Every now and then, pros are already switching to their right hand for more distance. Weak grips aren't considered by pros these days so the more distance to their shots, the better their shot's output is. Click here to learn more about adding distance to your shots. Source:; RealFeelGolfMats...

Customized clubs and the innovation it provides in golf


Club-fitting in golf is nowadays a common thing to do, of course if you want your game to get better. Custom club fits will really help you improve your game and provide better results, but there are some ‘myths' to be debunked on why club-fitting really benefits golfers. Click here...